To ensure that your production runs effectively – we offer you our unique on-site-service and our comprehensive stationary repair service.

Worldwide service for your mould equipment
You need help setting up your mould or with maintenance and repairs? You have no spare mould and can therefore not use our stationary repair service? Our well-trained service team is at your disposal worldwide and finds the ideal solution.
- Commissioning of RAMPF moulds on-site
- Repair of RAMPF moulds on-site
- Spare and wear part service
Repair Service
We also can offer you our comprehensive repair service in Allmendingen. There we carry out a variety of repairs and modifications to mould equipment.
- Modifications to your mould equipment in the event of changes to the machine connection dimensions.
- Maintenance, repair, exchange and installation of spare parts
- Refurbishment of your mould equipment, e.g. exchanging the tamper shoe
Please contact our sales team should you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, as well as for ordering spare parts.
We also offer you a range of special tools, which are exclusively available from our company. For an overview and order please download the PDF or contact our sales team.